On January 30, 2024, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced the launch of ECHA CHEM, its new solution for publishing information on chemicals. ECHA maintains the largest chemicals database in the European Union (EU), combining industry-submitted data with information generated in the EU’s regulatory processes.
What’s Changing?
The ECHA’s current Search for Chemicals website serves as a unique source of information on the chemicals manufactured and imported in Europe. It provides details about their hazardous properties, classification, labeling, and guidelines on how to use them safely. The database includes more than two million study summaries on the properties of chemicals and their impact on humans and the environment. It also explains how the chemicals are classified (for example, as being corrosive or flammable) and provides guidelines on how to use them safely. The platform contains information on more than 360,000 chemicals, including data submitted by industry and information generated through the EU regulatory process.
ECHA CHEM is staged to replace the Search for Chemicals website as the new solution to share the Agency’s ever-growing amount of information with the public. It allows the Agency to better handle the growing diversity and quantity of data while taking advantage of technological advancements to disperse that data.
The first version of ECHA CHEM initially includes information from over 100,000 Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) registrations that companies have submitted to ECHA. ECHA will expand the database later in 2024 with the redesigned Classification and Labelling Inventory, followed by the first set of regulatory lists. Over time, ECHA will gradually transfer all the data it makes publicly available from its current site to ECHA CHEM.
When a new dataset gets launched in ECHA Chem, it will stop being maintained on the old platform. During the transition, users may need to consult both ECHA CHEM and the former platform.
Get Development Updates on ECHA CHEM
To support this transition, ECHA has established a web page where they will compile practical information about the progressive transfer to ECHA CHEM. On this page, you can find the latest information on past and upcoming ECHA CHEM releases, different types of support documentation such as webinars and Q&As, and a simple tutorial that helps you determine where you can find the information you are looking for.
Get Support
ECHA’s chemicals database is an important tool for manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors to gather information on a product’s chemical substances and may aid in successful REACH reporting.
If you need help identifying or reporting the chemicals in your products, meeting REACH obligations, or any other product compliance requirement in the EU, contact our Tetra Tech compliance experts at [email protected]. We can help you survey your products and supply chain, identify risks, and create a successful reporting strategy.