The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is working on establishing a centralized database of product data from companies that produce, import or sell articles containing listed substances in the European Union.
The EU Waste Framework Directive (WFD) database, while revised solely to affect the EU as it works toward achieving a circular economy, will directly impact North American companies that places products with any EU member states. If you are a North American exporter who fits this description, you (or your EU-based customers) will need to provide your product data when the database becomes available and before the deadline.
While there is still much left to be determined from now until 2020, we have laid out the most important dates that provide background of this directive and that you will need to be aware of, to be added to and amended as more information becomes available.
The Waste Framework Directive Database/REACH Timeline
The Waste Framework Directive database is currently in its initial phase, so please check back here frequently for any updates to the timeline.
But this is important: The deadline for reporting your product information into the database is approaching. Learn more about how our IMDS or CDX reporting experts can help you efficiently and seamlessly collect, monitor and report your product information.